Pasqualina Disirio,

Country Director, UN World Food Program, Honduras

"The 2% factor’s approach should always be considered in our normal life (not just at the office but also at home). Looking at the others, the 2% might affect you, but watch out not to become the 2%, which definitively will affect the others. Thus, 'neutralizing' our behavior will increase our work productivity, and then the others, as well."

"Kronoz is a family-run international logistics company run by 4 siblings, all of who have very strong and diverse personalities. We have struggled for many years with managing and growing the business because of our different points of view. Every meeting and every discussion turned into disagreements, which then turned into arguments and even personal attacks on one another.  After many years of taking many different courses we always end up behaving the same way. After taking this program, though, I was so excited to see, and experience, a change in the way I saw my siblings and the way I interacted with them. Even better, my siblings were having the same experience. For me the program is an excellent tool to improve on my relationships, both personal and business, my communication, and my empathy towards all the people I interact with professionally and personally. I will say its a great tool to help the "Human Factor" in any business, which in my point of view is the best and hardest asset to manage. The 2% Factor is definitely is a great program run by great and highly talented people." 

Alejandro Lasheras,

Managing Director, Kronoz International, Mexico

Kim Lamb,

HR Manager, Henry Schein Canada

"Personally, I am awe of the program impact myself. I have been training True Colours, DiSC and MBTI for years. I have been teaching conflict resolution, communication and stress management for years. I have never seen a program have this effect on people. I never thought weekly 10 minute videos would actually “do anything” ...but I have been pleasantly surprised."

Lisa Benger

Director of HR, Walker Industries, Ontario, Canada

"We brought the 2% program into this work group because we felt we were spending too much management time dealing with personnel issues.  The group works fairly independently and doesn’t normally have much chance to interact or discuss what’s going on.  The 2% program, by design, gave them something concrete to discuss and they experienced it as a group.  The program has helped them work out issues with each other instead of taking it to supervisory staff.  I also think it helped them celebrate each other’s differences and brought understanding into the workplace."

Duane Jollimore

Plant Manager, N-Viro, Nova Scotia, Canada

"It Works. And the best part is it works not just for me, it works for everyone. Everyone is involved and this creates no heavy lifting on any one individual, which is the beauty of it all. I thank Gavin and you for all you have done for us and our families. Most of the guys feedback indicate it goes past the workplace."

Shelley Sheedy

Administrator, Miramichi Lodge LTC, Ontario, Canada

"I recommend this Program to other workplaces. We specifically value the simple yet effective approach of this Program. Regardless of the outcome of our post-survey, we have taken steps to proactively prevent conflict and enhance our workplace."

Brad Rootes

Head Coach, Men's Basketball, Brock University, Ontario, Canada

"The 2% Factor’s Cooperative Action Program has helped me view the day to day happenings in my life through more positive and stress free way.  It made me step back and evaluate the manner in which I dealt with conflicts or disagreements, while at the same time took away a lot of negative emotions that come attached to those types of situations. I have always been a believer that if we all took the approach of it is more important to understand than it is to be understood that our culture would be a lot more caring and accepting, I found that Cooperative Action has taught me the same thing in a different way."